Thursday, October 6, 2011

Are spark plug wires suppose to be bound together?

My friend changed the spark plugs wires for me and then wrapped black electrical tape around the middle where they were loose. Is that alright to do that?
Are spark plug wires suppose to be bound together?
That's not a good deal particularly with old ignition wires. Modern cars knock out a tremendous amount of voltage to the spark plugs. When wires are taped together you stand the change of a cross-fire between the wires. Shop around for some slick wire separator looms for your wires.
Are spark plug wires suppose to be bound together?
First thing to do is take that tape off. They should be separated using a wire loom holder. You can buy the plastic ones for next to nothing.
Good answers above and you can also slip %26quot;wire loom%26quot; sections over individual wires to protect them and keep the spark from jumping to ground or each other where necessary along the wire.鈥?/a>
to be Honest no...ive done it with an older cuttless befor, just like the others said go and buy a separator for the wires and that will help also keep em clear of any hot place (engine, Radiator lines, Etc) meaning don't let them touch or u have to buy new ones.
Sorry, but I need to disagree with a previous answer.

Flexible conduit for automotive use is fine for what it's designed for: wire looms.

But NEVER fit %26quot;wire loom%26quot; conduit over any HT leads: the leads do vibrate and rub on the loose outer conduit, in addition condensation forms overnight on the inside surface and can cause poor starting in the morning until it's evaporated. The conduit also hides any spark tracking which sometimes occurs on the outside of faulty HT leads making fault diagnosis more difficult. HT leads do heat up in use and covering them inhibits cooling; on modern carbon-cored silicone leads this results in premature ageing and subsequent early replacement. But most importantly, regular conduit can melt or catch fire at the temperatures which occur at the spark plug end of HT leads, and the green high temp version can do the same on air-cooled engines despite being flame resistant.

Just use the correct HT lead separators as others have advised.