Thursday, October 6, 2011

Which spark plug is better: OEM or aftermarket?

I am planning to change my spark plugs on both my 1999 civic and 2002 dodge neon. I heard that Honda OEM is the best, but how about Dodge Neon?
Which spark plug is better: OEM or aftermarket?
I have had good luck with Bosch up to plus 4 spark plugs. The more platinum the better the spark plug. If the car burns oil is running rich the bigger the electrode the better ( the electrode is at the bottom of the spark plug, its the little metal that is out side the insulator. The bigger the electrode the bigger the area to aviod getting fouled by oil or covered in carbon from running rich gas flow). Plus if you watch Bosch usually comes out with a rebate on the plugs.

NGK, the plugs the car came with have a special groove in the electrode to increase the size of the spartk and is unique in all the spark plugs I have used in over 30 years.

I would reccomend changing your distributor cap/rotor and spark plug wires. The distributor cap/rotor wear out. And no matter how good your spark plugs are they still need the electricity to spark provided from the distributor cap/rotor. Newer spark plug wires provide less resistance and better performance transferring the electrcity from the distributor cap/rotor.
Which spark plug is better: OEM or aftermarket?
I always prefer to use NGK plugs because they are just as good as any other plug out there and they won't run up your budget.
about all the same really sure some claim theirs are better but really not much if any differents cheaper plug might not last as long but stil works just go to any parts store ask for spark plugs give them your car info can look it up OEM parts many case arent made by the car company just have company name of box just buy a name brand part wil get you all you need dont buy the cheapest plug ngk is ok
I don't know about the Dodge but in your Civic always always always NGK plugs lol. Those are the best OE plugs and the best plugs for Civics. Plus they're only around $8 for all of them.