What does a white colored spark plug mean ?
If the end of the plug that is not threaded was white, it is the original factory plugs. They are painted white on the end from the factory. On the electrode end, a small amount of white residue is normal, and your truck is operating normally. If the end of the electrodes are sloped or tilted at an angle, they are worn from normal use. The small flat spot you mention is the tiny disc of platinum that is used to make the plug more efficient, a double platinum plug would have two discs facing each other on the electrodes.
What does a white colored spark plug mean ?
That would be it, yes
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your plugs are shot. time to get new ones.
The white coating means the engine was running lean. Not to worry though, as due to stringent fuel economy standards most all engines these days are set to run lean. It they are a bright white it wouldnt be a bad idea to change the fuel filter or do a pressure test at the fuel line. They should be white-ish, with a little bit of tan showing.
White is lean
Black is rich
Carbon buildup means burning oil
Tan is what you want to see.
A white plug means that it is not the correct plug for the engine temperature range. Go to your local auto parts store and get the correct temperature range plug for your engine.
simply running to hot of plug ,or a lean condition
let me respond to your answer here. I drive between 200 and 500 miles everyday and i see truckers every day do the same thing so you are wrong sorry
Depends on how white they are. Very white means that the engine is running too lean. The computer on the truck will set a check engine light with codes for running to lean. A slight white and brown tent is a normal buring engine, black means it is running rich. The way you describe it, it may be normal.
So the plug wasn't white, more like white flakes? Sometimes gas additives will leave a weird film on the ceramic.. but would need to view it to tell you exactly