2. For how long we should change the spark plug, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, (( I am changing it after 10000 km , is it OK ? )).
3. I need to know a web site for recommended parts for my old car .
What is the recommended spark plug for BMW ??
Bosch WR8DC.
10000 Km is a bit early, should last 100-150K.
There are tons. Try http://www.bavauto.com for one. I just stumbled on it.
What is the recommended spark plug for BMW ??
bolsh is the best for bmw, volkswagon, and porche
Platinum-tipped Bosch plugs have always been my favorite. As for how often to change them, they can easily go up to 80,000 miles or even more, but I would check, clean and regap them every 15,000 miles.