We are trying to change the spark plugs and plug wires in an 2003 Cavalier...where are they located...my husband travels long distances and we r trying to get the vehicle to stay in good shape..what else can we do it has 113,000miles?
We are trying to change the spark plugs and plug wires for a tune up in a 2003 Cavalier...where are they locat?
your motor is in there sideways... with the front of the motor pointing towards the passenger side. So Half the the plugs are along the fire wall (hard to get to). the Coil pack is along the front below the motor Per say... The wires go thou a metal/plastic sleeve from the coil pack to the plugs at the back (it can be opened up to replace them). Its a tedious job but do it right and get the new wires back in the loom so the don't get burned up by the exhaust manifolds.
OH be sure to do the wires one at a time so to not get them mixed up
good luck
We are trying to change the spark plugs and plug wires for a tune up in a 2003 Cavalier...where are they locat?
They are located under the hood.
find your coils and follow the wires, or google it.
I honestly believe if you have to ask this question, you shouldn't attempt to repair your own car.
If it's a 4 cylinder, they will be located at the top. If it's a 6 cylinder, you may not have the tools to get 3 of them out as they will be too close to the firewall.
Plugs are located next to the exhaust manifold. Take one out at a time, and replace the plug wire at the same time, routing it the same way you took the old one off. AND ONE AT A TIME. To keep from crossing, and putting the plug wire with the wrong plug. If it is a four cylinder engine, they will all be in front. If it is a V6, you'll have 3 in front, and 3 in the back, next to the fire wall.
Also change the Air filter, PVC valve, and fuel filter. And an oil change would be good to.
If you want to change plugs or other maintenance get a Chilton's manual at your local parts store,the manual will tell you everything you need including the gap required for the plugs you are installing and also don't ever take out plugs on a hot engine and if possible coat the threads with a anti-sieze compound,this will help to remove the plugs in the future especially if you have an aluminum head on your car.Good luck.