Thursday, October 6, 2011

How do you change a spark plug?

My eyes are made of wheat so it's very hard to maneuver my chapstick.

PS Bruce Willis is in my shower!
How do you change a spark plug?
Pull off your plug wire. Unscrew your old plug. Screw in your new plug. Replace wire or just reuse the old one if you didn't pull the metal out of it. (You would Know if you did because there would be a metal cap stuck to the plug that the new one wont have)
How do you change a spark plug?
Do them one at a time to prevent mixing the wires up.

Have a spark plug wrench that fits. Twist the spark plug wire boot to unstick it and pull the wire off the spark plug, holding the connector so it doesn't pull off the wire. Fit the wrench all the way on the spark plug and twist it anticlockwise to unscrew it. Be careful to hold the spark plug after it comes loose so it doesn't fall down the where ever so you can't get it , or it hits the ground and you have to go crawling under the car. Take the new spark plug and check the electrode gap to make sure it's correct. Position the gasket all the way on the spark plug, not on the threads. Rub a little anti seize compound on the spark plug threads- I just use a drop of engine oil, but that's me. By hand, if you can, start the new sparkplug straight in its hole. If it starts crooked, unscrew it and do it again straight. Tighten down the sparkplug to whatever tightness it's supposed to have- 1/4 turn beyond seated or 14 ft Lbs or what your repair manual says is right. Pay paticular attention to this with Fords. They've been known to have the plugs loosen and fly out when you don't do it right. Put the wire back on and make sure it's on all the way. You can put some silicone lube on the inside of the wire boot to keep it from sticking to the spark plug. It's easier than it sounds, but it can be made hard by haste and carelessness.
Yes, i would have Bruce change it so you won't have to worry about it. Use a Splitfire plug.
Ok Fabian, don't worry about changing the plug. Just have Bruce go out and intimidate the plug into working correctly again.

For those who don't get the %26quot;Fabian%26quot; reference, it's from Pulp Fiction, Bruce Willis is taking a shower during her main scene.
pull the wire off, unscrew it then screw in the new spark plug, and also replace the wire.
Have Bruce do it.
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