ran gd twice since brought but ran completely empty and now wont start it bumps but sounds flooded. have took carb off and cleaned changed spark plug and compresstion is gd and spark ok just dont know plz help
My cr80 ran out of petrol, since adding mix it wont start tried new spark plug and cleaning carb?
Pull the plug and let it sit for awhile, the cylinder is probably flooded. Let it dry up and try it in a little while. Fuel shouldnt be coming out the overspill tube either....your float is adjusted wrong, or you have a stuck needle.
My cr80 ran out of petrol, since adding mix it wont start tried new spark plug and cleaning carb?
May be a blocked fuel line or more likely some part of the carb you haven't cleaned is blocked by all the sh** from the tank.
You probably need to clean the fuel lines and the whole carb with a compressed air jet.
it could be flooded. or you have old gas or the thing that connects to the engine from the kickstart is bad
try to put more petro back in it if that dont work check your reeds they may be gone bad with running it dry and all.