Can anyone tell me how to change the left bank middle plug in a 99 Trailblazer 4.3. The darn steering linkage is right in the way of getting any kind of plug socket on it! I got the rest of them through the rubber flap in the wheel well, but that won't help here.
Changing a spark plug in a 99 Blazer 4.3?
take wheel off use special scocket or use reg scocket with wrench type top and use box or open wrench to lossen and tighten to put new one in hole use short hose over plug this can take about 2 beers to not cross thread
Changing a spark plug in a 99 Blazer 4.3?
ball style plug socket works great. also a new socket is avail. its called double universal, haven't tried it though
ive got a 4.3l silverado and its is very tough to get that plug out.... the way i did it was to take the socket alone and reach your arm underneath the steering shaft and put the socket on the plug and the try to get an extension on it and the unscrew it. It is by far the hardest plug to get to on many trucks and suv...and cars....good luck thats the way i did it.
just finished doing the same thing to my 2000. It's the number 3 plug. Get yourself a 5/8 deep socket and a 3/8 drive extension with a 3/8 attachment that pivots. Just make sure your put thee 5/8 socket over the plug first and that the extension extends past thee tire or take the tire off. It is a pain in the ***, to be honest, I'm taking mine in next time.