How can I find the spark plug on my 2000 Ford Expedition?
They are bit of a pain to do.
They are coil on plug.
The 2 plugs on the drivers side back ones are a pain to get at.
If you dont have a swivel socket to get under the fuel rail.
Some tecs remove the fuel rail to get at them.
And the pcm on the pass side to get at them.
Make sure to use compressed air to blow away all dirt and rocks.
If a small rock falls down after you pull the coil out you will have a problem for the spark plug socket to go around the plug.
Is best for a shop to do this .
Did lots as a ford tec over the years
Hope this helps.
Auto tec......
How can I find the spark plug on my 2000 Ford Expedition?
i would go to the auto parts store and buy a manual for the ford they are only 20 dollars and u can buy everything u need for a tune up. sometimes u need to do wires air filter, oil change and so on.
If you are satisfied with the performance of the existing spark plugs brand on your Ford Expedition, just buy the same brand
If you are not impressed by its performance, try research on the internet (I do not recommend NGK spark plugs to anyone - fouled too easily, likewise their spark plug wires if your vicinity has got hot humid climate/weather)