How do i change spark plug wires in a 2000 bonneville 3800 series II v6 engine?
Take the top engine cover off so you can see all of the spark plug wires, One at a time, twist and pull wire boot and metal cover off spark plug, Match up the old wire with the new one the same length. Slide the metal cover off the old one and on the new one.(It is a heat shield to protect the boot.) If the boot breaks off on the spark plug, you might need a pair of needle nose pliers to get the rest off. replace 1 wire at a time so you do not change the firing order. Try to twist the spark plug boots 180 degrees before you pull, it will help them pop off easier. Them make sure you securely push the new boot onto the spark plug, you should feel a little pop or snap as the metal sleeve inside the boot slides over the end of the spark plug
I hope that give you an idea how to do it and good luck.
How do i change spark plug wires in a 2000 bonneville 3800 series II v6 engine?
no tool needed. just twist while pulling on boot not wire