How do i change my number 5 spark plug?? 2002 chevy Malibu?
You would be better off just changing them all 6. If one is fouled for some reason, then they all probably need it.
How do i change my number 5 spark plug?? 2002 chevy Malibu?
Your problem just MIGHT be due to a leaking intake manifold gasket. The coolant may be getting sucked right into the #5 cylinder and interfering with proper firing. Check your coolant level. Also, read the %26quot;GM Litigation%26quot; web-sites. In other word, you need to find out WHY #5 is misfiring. This MIGHT be a warranty issue. Call a GM dealer AFTER you have read the %26quot;GM Litigation%26quot; stuff. Or, contact NHTSA!