I have the Chilton book and it says how change the spark plugs but nothing about the wires. It's a 4cyl.
How do I change the spark plug WIRES on my 2000 Grand Am?
This engine does not have sparkplug WIRES. The plugs screw into the top of the head, on top of each sparkplug is a rubber %26quot;extension%26quot; (boot) with a spring inside to carry the spark from the two coils within the moon-shaped housing above down to each plug.....the boots take place of wires since the coils are so closely located to the plugs verses the more common remote mounting of the coil/s or distributor (which this car does not have a distributor either) requiring the spark to be %26quot;wired%26quot; across engine space to the plugs. There is a common problem with the coils burning out on this ;engine and shorting to the moon-shaped housing.
(To remove the coils off the housing you remove the white plastic covering attached over the coils.
How do I change the spark plug WIRES on my 2000 Grand Am?
Well it's not exactly hard...do the wires one at a time so you don't mix them up, make sure they're fully seated on the plug and on the coil packs, and...that's about it.
wires should go to coil pack and are # 1 to 4 just make sure to run like old ones coil pack will have plug wires and trigger wires there is no distrib if you get wires crossed engine will not start or run like crap if you try to remove while runing you will light up
ONE AT A TIME... Not being facious, you don't want to screw up which one goes where. I am not familiar with that car but on most remove from the plug and any holders and follow it back to the distributor. Many distributors have rain boots over them. Remove that and remove that ONE WIRE.
insert the or push on the new one and lead the wire back to that one exposed plug and push it on. Some wire sets will come with a electrical salve to apply. some distributors have a solid flat cap over the wire that has to be removed, Most of those are on %26quot;GM%26quot; cars. It is an easy job, one wire at a time.......
just change then 1 at a time so you don't get them out of firing sequence.