Friday, September 23, 2011

Changed spark plugs and now i hear a noise?

I changed my mustang 07 spark plugs yesterday and started to hear a hissing sound. My sensors do not say anything and usually if something is wrong i am alarmed saying to check engine or something. I tried changing spark plugs well with the other 5 left and it still does it. I havent changes the spark plugs before since i got it in 2007 could it be that because its a new spark plug there is a noise?
Changed spark plugs and now i hear a noise?
you probably knocked a vacuum line off of it is the reason your getting a check engine light,go over it and check it out real good changing plugs shouldn't cause any problems with it,the computer monitors certain sensors and this can cause that light to come on,good luck with it.
Changed spark plugs and now i hear a noise?
Make sure that you didn't accidently pull a vacuum hose loose somewhere. Spark plugs won't make a hissing sound unless maybe you didn't get one tight. Why did you change the plugs in a '07 car? Those plugs should have been good for at least 100,000 miles.
What a lesson this should be for you-IF IT AINT BROKE, DONT FIX IT.
You almost for sure knocked a vaccum line off while changing your plugs. I work at a ford dealership around here and ive people come in with the same problem and the same situation about 15 times in the last few months