It sat a bit tight and I did the worst thing by yanking on the ignition wire, resulting in it breaking out of the housing. So now I have a loose wire and I wonder if I can stick it back to the metal part that fits on the SparkPlug, and stick it through the rubber housing and use it temporarily?|||If the wire itself wasn%26#039;t damaged, you can just re-crimp on the metal end, and slip it back through the boot. However, the only good way to tell is to check the wire with an ohmmeter, to make sure you didn%26#039;t break the actual wire itself, which is the graphite impregnated part running through the middle. The rest is just insulation. Not that it isn%26#039;t important to have that too.
The reading on an ohmmeter should be a few thousand ohms per foot. If it%26#039;s OK, you can pry open the end of the metal part and re-crimp it, on most kinds. Or, if not, you can get a new one. Then just lube the inside of the boot with Silicone spay to make it easy to slide back in. Boots are also sold separately if that%26#039;s torn.
Also, if the wire is bad from this incident, it is probably just a break near that end. If you have enough slack, the wire can be re-cut shorter and re-do the end. Some people just buy the wire in bulk, and make up their own. Same as some shops I%26#039;ve worked at. A lot easier than having all those different sets in stock.
If the wire itself is OK, just fold the core that should be sticking out about a half-inch past the insulation, around to the side, so that the metal end contacts it when you crimp it. Same if you shorten it. You cut it where you need to, then trim away the insulation about a half-inch further back. Just like a piece of coaxial cable before you put the end on, except you fold back the middle part.
( I buy my coax in bulk too. Much cheaper, and you don%26#039;t end up with 10 or 20 feet of slack you don%26#039;t need)|||depends on how it%26#039;s done. some have the end that
screws onto the wire...remove the rubber and check
if not you can buy a replacement wire at a parts store.|||No...once you yank it out of the boot, it%26#039;s trash and needs to be replaced. If you try to use it, it will only cause a misfire.|||YES you can but you will have to slice open the boot.|||I suggest you just get new spark plug cables! It%26#039;s safer!|||If it just tore out of the boot(the part that goes around the end of the wire and the plug), you can stick it right back through, if it wasn%26#039;t damaged, or get a boot from an old set. Chances are, though, that you pulled the wire loose from under the clip(clamps onto the top of the plug) or broke the insulation, and will need to repair or replace it.If you have never done this before, practice on a few old ones first, to get the hang of it, or go buy new wire(s).