im putting headers on my 1991 camaro 350 and 3 of the spark plug boots need to be changed from stright to a 90 degree angle. i have no idea how to do this... do you just rip the old boot off? anyone know? thanks|||you will have to buy new wires, the metal contact on the end of the wire is longer and different for the 90 degree|||Locate an auto parts store that will help you source an appropriate couple of spark plug wires with the 90 degree boot.
Alternatively, you can find a store who will create the custom wires for you, or you can buy a set of wires that you cut-and-boot with a spark plug wire tool. Just size the wire up to the existing straight one, cut at the correct length, then crimp the end on.
If you can crimp wire, you can make your own plug wires - its nothing to be nervous about.