My new spark plugs wires dont have numbers or anything, how could i possibly tell which one is which? and do different spark plug wires have different powers?, i would assume so, since they are different lengths.|||You change ONE at a time and match up the length of the old with the new as you go. Remove one end of the wire and follow it to its destiniation, disconnect it, match it up with the new wire and install the new wire. Move on to the next one and repeat until they%26#039;ve all been changed.Do not remove them all from your engine at once. Change them one at a time so you dont mess up the firing order.|||They do not have different powers.
Best way to change them if not familiar with this job, is to take them out one at a time and replace with the new one of like length, that way there should be no confusion.|||Your in luck, your distributor cap has numbers on the top of it (1, 2, ... 8), so you know which plug to hook to which location.
The cylinder (plug) numbers are laid out like this on the motor:
8 7
6 5
4 3
2 1
So when you look at the motor, that is the layout.
You can easily remove all the wires at once, because of the numbers on the top of the cap. Then match up the plug wire length and install the new wires.
I fool-proof way is to remove and replace one plug wire at a time! Then you know what you removed so you know where to replace. Just use the same length wire as you removed.
The different lengths are just lengths, it has nothing to do with the amount of power supplied to the plugs (virtually anyway. If the wires were REALLY long they would have a larger resistance and reduced power to the plugs, but you don%26#039;t need to worry about that).